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AdventureHero.HeroPlayerCharacter Class Reference

Detailed Description

central character component for the player character used to configure various transforms, manages item pickup animation for newly and special items and sheathing of sword and shield


Inheritance diagram for AdventureHero.HeroPlayerCharacter:
AdventureCore.CharacterBaseTyped< CharacterActorBase, MovementBase, InventoryBase >


interface  IHoldable

Public Member Functions

override bool PreDamageReceive (IDamageSender sender, IDamageReceiver receiver)
override void OnDamageReceive (DamageEvent e)
void ShowPickup (ItemQuantity itemQuantity)
void VisualizePresent (ItemBase item)
void RememberPickup (ItemBase item)
void Sheathe ()
void Sheathe (bool animate)
void Sheathe (bool animate, bool unscaled)
void Unsheathe ()
void Unsheathe (bool animate)
void Hold (IHoldable holdable)
void Hold (IHoldable holdable, bool animate)
void Hold (IHoldable holdable, bool animate, bool unscaled)
override void OnMessage (string e)

Public Attributes

Transform PickupParent
Animator PickupAnimator
Transform PresentParent
CharacterActionBase PresentAction
ItemBase[] PresentNever
ItemBase[] PresentAlways
Transform ItemParentRight
Transform ItemParentLeft
Transform ItemParentOverhead
Transform Sword
Transform SwordSheathed
Transform Shield
Transform ShieldSheathed
bool IsSheathed = true
PlayableAnimationParameters PocketAnimation
PlayableAnimationParameters SheatheAnimation
- Public Attributes inherited from AdventureCore.CharacterBaseTyped< CharacterActorBase, MovementBase, InventoryBase >
TActor Actor
TMovement Movement
TInventory Inventory

Static Public Attributes

const string PICKUP_SUB_KEY = "PICKUP"
static int SheatheParameter = Animator.StringToHash("Sheathe")
static int PocketParameter = Animator.StringToHash("Pocket")
static int ActionTypeParameter = Animator.StringToHash("ActionType")
static int ActionSpeedParameter = Animator.StringToHash("ActionSpeed")
static int ActParameter = Animator.StringToHash("Act")

Protected Member Functions

override void Awake ()
override void Start ()


bool IsHolding [get]
HeroGuardAction CurrentGuard [get]
bool IsGuarding [get]
- Properties inherited from AdventureCore.CharacterBaseTyped< CharacterActorBase, MovementBase, InventoryBase >
override CharacterActorBase ActorBase [get]
override MovementBase MovementBase [get]
override InventoryBase InventoryBase [get]