No Matches
AdventureCore.NavMeshAgentMovement Class Reference

Detailed Description

a movement implementation that is built on top of the unity NavMeshAgent
meant for enemy movement, use StartApproach(Action, float) to walk to the MovementBase.Target


Inheritance diagram for AdventureCore.NavMeshAgentMovement:
AdventureCore.MovementBasePersisted AdventureCore.MovementBase AdventureCore.NavMeshTankMovement

Public Member Functions

virtual void StartApproach (Action finished, float distance, float speed)
virtual void StopApproach ()
override void PropelCharacter (Vector3 value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBasePersisted
void Set ()
void Set (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Quaternion cameraRotation)
override void SetPersisted (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBase
virtual Quaternion GetOffsetRotation (float horizontal, float vertical)
virtual void SetTarget (Component component)
virtual void SetTarget (Transform transform)
virtual void ResetInput ()
 resets current input to the model direction(for example when coming out of an animation)
virtual void ResetMomentum ()
 resets the movements momentum(gravity, velocity)
virtual void Align (Vector3 direction)
 quickly aligns the movement with a give direction
virtual void AlignToInput ()
 quickly aligns the movement with the input direction(in between rolls for example)
virtual void AlignToTarget ()
 quickly aligns the movement with its Target, this may be a locked on enemy or the target an AI is following
virtual void KeepAligned (Vector3 direction)
 keeps the movement aligned with a give direction
virtual void KeepAlignedToInput ()
 keeps the movement aligned with the input direction
virtual void KeepAlignedToTarget ()
 keeps the movement aligned with its Target, this may be a locked on enemy or the target an AI is following
virtual void StartMarch ()
virtual bool AdvanceMarch (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float normalizedTime, float deltaTime, float multiplier=1f)
virtual bool AdvanceMarch (Vector3 target, float deltaTime, float multiplier=1f)
virtual void EndMarch ()
virtual void TeleportCharacter (Transform transform)
 instantly moves the character to a transform
virtual void TeleportCharacter (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
 instantly moves the character
virtual void MoveCharacter (Transform transform)
 quickly moves the movement to the passed transform
virtual void MoveCharacter (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
virtual void MoveCharacter (Transform transform, bool unscaled)
 quickly moves the movement to the passed transform
virtual void MoveCharacter (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool unscaled)
virtual void PropelCharacterLocal (Vector3 value)
virtual void ApplyRootMotion (Animator animator)
void SetPersisted (Transform transform)

Protected Member Functions

override void Awake ()
override void Update ()
virtual void updateMovement ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBase
virtual IEnumerator moveCharacter (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool unscaled=false)
virtual IEnumerator align (float target, Action finished=null, bool waitForEndOfFrame=false)
virtual void keepAligned (float rotation)

Protected Attributes

NavMeshAgent _agent
float _speed
float _angularSpeed
Action _approachFinished


override bool IsTranslationSuspended [get, set]
override float SpeedMultiplier [get, set]
override Vector3 Velocity [get]
override bool _isPersistenceActive [get]
- Properties inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBasePersisted
virtual bool _isPersistenceActive [get]
- Properties inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBase
virtual bool IsTranslationSuspended [get, set]
 means that no translation should be applied by the movement
virtual bool IsRotationSuspended [get, set]
 means that no rotation should be applied by the movement
virtual bool IsControlSuspended [get, set]
 while this is true input will have no influence on the movement(rolling for example)
virtual bool IsCollisionSuspended [get, set]
 suspends collision of the player with environment and such, for example when the player is moved through a tight crack by an animation or climbing a ladder
virtual bool IsPersistenceSuspended [get, set]
 notifies the movement that its position should not be persisted(perhaps because the area is unsafe or moving)
virtual float SpeedMultiplier = 1f [get, set]
 can be used to modify the movements speed from outside(for example slowed by snow or boosted by some effect)
virtual Vector3 MotionMultiplier = Vector3.one [get, set]
 can be used to modify the movement from root motion from outside(may be useful when characters of different sizes use the same animation)
virtual float SpeedFactorForward [get, protected set]
 how fast the character is moving forwards relative to its maximum speed
so 1 means full speed forward -0.5 is moving back at half speed and 2 could be a sprint forward
can be used as a parameter for walking animations and leaning according to speed
virtual float SpeedFactorSideways [get, protected set]
 how fast the character is moving sideways relative to its maximum speed
characters may move sideways when locked on for example
1 could mean full speed right, -0.5 half speed left
can be used as a parameter for walking animations and leaning according to speed
virtual bool IsGrounded = true [get, protected set]
 whether the character is currently touching the ground
useful for switching to a falling animation or to check if jumping is possible
virtual bool IsSprinting [get, protected set]
 whether the character is currently sprinting
virtual bool IsMarching [get, protected set]
 whether the character is currently marching
virtual bool IsMoved [get, protected set]
 whether the character is currently being forced to move using MoveCharacter(Transform)
virtual Transform Target [get]
virtual bool HasTarget [get]
virtual float TargetDistance [get]
virtual Vector3 TargetDirection [get]
virtual Vector3 Position [get, set]
virtual Quaternion Rotation [get, set]
virtual Vector3 Forward [get, set]
virtual Vector3 Right [get, set]
virtual Vector3 Up [get, set]
virtual Vector3 Direction [get]
virtual Vector3 Velocity [get]
virtual bool IsMoving [get]
virtual Transform RotationPivot [get]
virtual float AlignmentDuration [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBasePersisted
PersisterBase Persister
float Interval = 1f
Transform CameraPivot
UnityEvent Persisted
- Static Public Attributes inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBasePersisted
const string PERSISTENCE_SUB_KEY = "MOV"
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBase
static IEnumerator tween (Action< float > change, Action finished, float duration, bool waitForEndOfFrame=false, bool unscaled=false)
- Events inherited from AdventureCore.MovementBase
Action< Transform > TargetChanged

Member Function Documentation

◆ Awake()

override void AdventureCore.NavMeshAgentMovement.Awake ( )

◆ PropelCharacter()

override void AdventureCore.NavMeshAgentMovement.PropelCharacter ( Vector3 value)

Reimplemented from AdventureCore.MovementBase.

◆ Update()

override void AdventureCore.NavMeshAgentMovement.Update ( )