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AdventureCore Namespace Reference


class  AdventureHelper
 some useful common functions
class  AnimatedCharacterBase
class  AnimationEventFuncs
 exposes a couple basic gameobject methods so they can be used in animation events More...
class  AnimationToggler
 behaviour that moves an animator between two states
GoA,GoB or Toggle has to be called by somthing else like a TriggerArea<TArea, TItem> or a ButtonAction
useful for things like moving platforms and elevator(in combination with a CharacterCarrierArea) More...
class  AnimatorBoolInstruction
 sets a bool parameter in an animator and resets it to the opposite value More...
class  AnimatorFloatInstruction
 sets a float parameter in an animator More...
class  AnimatorIntInstruction
 sets a int parameter in an animator More...
class  AnimatorParameterSetter
 helper that enables setting bool, int and float parameters on an animator from a UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent in the inspector More...
class  AnimatorProxy
 forwards animator events and root motion to a character
needed when a character needs them but can't sit on the same gameobject as the animator More...
class  AnimatorSpeedMultiplierInstruction
 multiplies animator speed with a value, resets speed to 1 More...
class  AttributeEffect
 an effect that modifies an attribute while it is active by adding to it More...
class  AttributeMultiplierInstruction
 multiplies the attributes of its character while it is active
for examplem a buff that increases strength by 10% More...
class  AttributePool
 manages the modification and observation of a defined set of attributes and stats
has built in support for stats that define a resources maximum(max health, max stamine, ...) More...
class  AttributePoolText
 shows all attribute values of a pool in a text component, useful for debugging More...
class  AttributeStat
 base class for stats, stats are metrics that do not have a value themselfes
instead they are calculated using a base value and then incorporating attributes and modifiers
for example a defense stat that has a base value and increases with the characters strength attribute and armor equipment
how the final value is calculated is defined in the concrete implementations, modifiers are applied afterwards More...
class  AttributeStatPanel
 visualizes an AttributeStat and its current value in an AttributePool More...
class  AttributeStatValue
 serializable utility class that combines a stat with a value
useful for configuring stat values in the inspector
for example the base stats of an AttributePool or the required stats for equipment More...
class  AttributeType
 attributes are whole number metrics that may change during the course of the game
they start with a value defined in their AttributePool
modifiers on top of them may change the value that is returned to the outside word but do not in fact change the attribut value itself More...
class  AttributeValue
 serializable utility class that combines an attribute with a value
useful for configuring attribute values in the inspector
for example the starting attributes of an AttributePool or the required attributes for equipment More...
class  AttributeValuePanel
 visualizes an AttributeType and its current value in an AttributePool More...
class  AudioManager
 simple manager that allows playing audio clips by using a key
hooking a characters CharacterBase.MessageReceived up to Play(string) enables
playing sounds from anything else hooked up to the messageing, usually animators or timelines More...
class  AudioSlider
 ui behaviour that lets players change the volume of an audio mixer More...
class  BehaviourEventTrigger
 provides unity events invoked by the most common unity messages like Start or OnEnable
also contains a couple helper functions that may be useful to be called from the events More...
class  BoolPersistenceTrigger
 provides unity events that are fired in relation to a persisted bool
for example to disable or enable a barrier when the value is set More...
class  BufferedCharacterActor
 actor that buffers a requested action for a defined time and starts it if the current action can end in that timeframe More...
class  ButtonAction
 action that repeatedly lets a character interact with some object that is also animated plays an animation on the character and another one on an object when the character reaches a certain point
the animation needs to send a START and END message and an ACT message to start the object animation
useful for buttons or levers that reset themselfes More...
class  ButtonInputAdapter
 behaviour that allows hooking up an input event from the new input system to a button
the button is pressed and released according to the input action phase More...
class  ButtonOnPlatformModifier
 modifier for the new input system that only acts on the selected platform
this is used to disable the esc button in the editor so the game view can be exited without opening the menu More...
class  ButtonWithoutOneModifier
 modifier for the new input system that only acts when a modifier is NOT active
when an action is bound to s and another to ctrl+s the new input system would still perform the first one when ctrl was pressed
put this modifier with ctrl on the first action to solve that More...
class  CameraController
 simple camera controller without lock-on or cinemachine More...
class  CapacityRaisingItem
 item that raises the ListedInventory.Capacities for another item
for example a bigger coin pouch or arrow quiver More...
class  ChangingResourceValue
 resource value that changes its value over time More...
class  CharacterActionArea
 helper behaviour that gives easy access to any actions that OnTriggerEnter(Collider)
if your OnTriggerEnter does not fire check the layer matrix in your physics settings
and the collision action matrix at https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CollidersOverview.html More...
class  CharacterActionAreaText
 shows an action areas current action in a ui text, useful for debugging More...
class  CharacterActionBase
 character actions are, very loosely, defined as anything a character does in the game
they typicall have a start and end and may only be started in the right circumstances
they are used to encapsulate some behaviour for a character which can then be put on the character itself or some other object it may interact with
for example a jump would be an action directly on a character, climbing a ladder or swinging a weapon are actions that are added to the pertaining object More...
class  CharacterActionBindings
 handles event plumbing between InputAction and CharacterActionBase, simplifies switching out actions behind an input More...
class  CharacterActorBase
 base class for character actors
these actors manage how and when exactly actions can start, are started and ended
class  CharacterAssociation
 can be used to provide a ICharacterAssociator on a specific object to a character somewhere else in the scene More...
class  CharacterBase
 base class for characters which are, in a way, the brain of the operation
characters are the central component that provide access to and coordinate all the other systems(attributes, resources, inventory, movement, actions)
they typically handle and redirect input or ai and posess a simple messaging system which is usually forwarded to actors and actions More...
class  CharacterBaseTyped
 generic base for characters, allows the character implementation to define the type of actor, movement and inventory it needs in its signature More...
class  CharacterCarrierArea
 area that parents any character that enters it and suspends its movement More...
class  CharacterControllerMovement
 a movement implementation that is built on top of the unity CharacterController
meant for player movement it accepts input in OnMove(Vector2) and OnSprint(bool) More...
class  CharacterDummy
 not actually a character, just implements the OnAnimation method targeted by animationEvents
can be put on the gameobject of an animator to suppress errors because the events have no target More...
class  CharacterInstructionBase
 a character instruction can be any kind of change applied to a character
all these changes(movement speed, collision suspension, ...) could be just directly applied without creating an instruction
bundling them in this form averts the problem of different components fighting for control(eg. both an animation and an item reduce movement speed at the same time)
another advantage of instructions is that they can be added directly in the inspector which can add lots of flexibility to actions
class  CharacterInstructionObject
 used on the character editor to display an instruction that can be added to the character from the inspector for debugging More...
class  CharacterMessenger
 receives and sends messages to a character, effectively acting as a proxy
looks for the character in its parents unless specified
useful for catching messages on objects that are instantiated on characters
for example to play equipment specific sounds when some animation is performed
(different sword slash sounds on a wooden vs metal sword or footsteps with heavy armor) More...
class  CollisionDebugger
 logs any kind of collision happening on the gameobject, purely for debugging More...
class  ConstantStat
 stat that just returns its base value More...
class  ControllerActionBase
 base class for actions that can use their own animator controllers which overrides the characters
by default the controller is started with the action and when it finishes it also ends the action More...
class  CopyTransform
 copies position and rotation from a target transform to this one More...
class  DamageEffect
 effect that repeatedly damages the character while active More...
class  DamageEvent
 event args like class that gets passed through all the participants when damage occurs
-PreDamage ist sent to sender and receiver, they can cancel damage at this stage by returning false
-OnDamage is sent to sender, receiver and the DamageKind for every damage parameter on the sender
-PostDamage is send to sender and receiver
class  DamageInstance
 utility class used in damage senders to keep track of the active damages
also manages the timing for ticking damage More...
class  DamageKind
 base class for damage kinds, typically damages will reduce some resource value which is implemented in ResourceDamage
technically though damages can do pretty much anything to the sender and receiver by creating a new implementation of DamageKind and overriding OnDamage More...
class  DamageParameter
 serializable utility class that combines a damage kind with a value and a tag
useful for configuring damage values in the inspector
for example the damage of a weapon or trap More...
class  DebugInstruction
 logs its Apply(CharacterBase) and Reset(CharacterBase) calls to the debugger
class  DescriptionItem
 provides a string that will be displayed by the DescriptionText behaviour when this object is selected by the event system
for example put this on a button to provide some additional info about what will happen when it is clicked More...
class  DescriptionText
 displays description texts from an IDescriptionItem that are selected by the event system More...
class  DestructibleDamageReceiver
 damage receiver that gets destroyed when damaged
will be destroyed by any amount of damage unless attached to a character with a ResourcePool(eg. dummies in AdventureSouls)
can spawn a destroyed object when it is destroyed and push on its rigidbodies(crates) More...
class  DestructionPersister
 persister that automatically saves the destruction of its gameobject
if it gets awoken again(for example by a scene reload) it reconstructs that state by destroying its gameobject
useful for destructible decorators like crates More...
class  DialogBase
 base class for simple win forms style dialogs(for example 'are you sure?' Yes/No)
used from the show method from code or by using the included visual scripting nodes More...
class  DialogElement
 dialog implementation to be used with the new UI Toolkit More...
class  DialogTMP
 dialog implementation to be used with TextMeshPro and Unity UI More...
class  DialogUI
 dialog implementation to be used with Unity UI and legacy Text components More...
class  EffectBarBase
 base class for ui behaviours that visualize the active effects of a pool
takes care of subscribing to the pools events More...
class  EffectBarElement
 base class for ui toolkit elements that display which effects are active on a character
it does so by adding a VisualElement for each effect under the root element
check out the ManualResource scene in the AdventureManual project for examples More...
class  EffectBarPanel
 base class for a canvas panel that displays which effects are active on a character
it does so by adding a VisualElement for each effect under the root element
check out the ManualResource scene in the AdventureManual project for examples More...
class  EffectBase
 this is the base class for the behaviours that will be instantiated when they are added to an EffectPool
derive from this to create a new effect with some unique logic
through the Pool property this scripts has access to the character it is instantiated on(EffectPool.Character)
typcial examples for effects are things like poison that damage the character or buffs that alter their attributes or stats More...
class  EffectPool
 manages the effects that are active on a character
when an effect is added it is instantiated as a child of this behaviour
effects are persisted and restored when the game is loaded unless they have been added as external
external effects are useful for effects that are added by items or triggers which readd the effect when the game is loaded anyway More...
class  EffectPoolText
 shows all active effects of a pool in a text component, useful for debugging More...
class  EffectResourceValue
 special ChangingResourceValue that adds an effect when it is full and removes it when empty
typically ChangingResourceValue.Rate should be negative so the value empties on its own after being raised by some outside source More...
class  EffectSet
 some set of effects, most commonly used as a set of all effects that the persistence uses to load effects More...
class  EffectType
 effects are temporary behaviours that are instantiated on the character
the EffectType describes the common properties of an effect and contains a reference to the EffectBase that will be instantiated when it is active
typical effects are things like buffs and debuffs More...
class  EquipmentItem
 prefab item that can modify attributes and stats while it is equipped
whether it is equippable can be restricted with attribute and stat requirements More...
class  EventSystemCursor
 behaviour that places a transform over the EventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject
which can be used to show a cursor in the UI More...
class  FadeAndDestroy
 behaviour that wait for some duration, than fades any renderer it finds out and finally destroys its gameobject
can be used to just wait and destroy be leaving fade fields empty More...
class  FloatPersistenceTrigger
 provides unity events that are fired in relation to a persisted float More...
class  FocusHelper
 provides focus and cursor lock handling, disables mouse when the game view is not active in the editor More...
class  Follower
 makes this gameobject follow a target and copy its active state More...
class  GenericAction
 action that does nothing on its own and is ended by any kind of bool input More...
class  GenericCharacter
 concrete implementation for a character that references the other systems by their base classes
any implementation can still be assigned in the inspector, the character just wont have access to any special parts in it without casting More...
class  GenericDamage
 damage that does not do anything on its own, therefore the reaction has to be done by the receiver or sender
for example bomb damage in the hero demo is only used as a filter More...
class  GenericEffect
 basic effect without any special behaviour except adding instructions to the character
useful for effects that can be expressed in instruction or are purely cosmetic More...
class  GenericItem
 an item that has no logic itself, can be used for items that are only checked for existence like keys More...
class  GenericItemSlot
 item slot that has no logic and can be used with any item More...
class  GenericTriggerArea
 simple generic version of trigger area, useful for hooking stuff up to its events
for example gameobjects that should only be active when the player is close or traps
class  GenericTriggerItem
 simple generic version of trigger item, counterpart to GenericTriggerArea
this one is most likely situated on the character while the area is some part of the level More...
class  GroundChecker
 when its Check method is called it raycasts from its own position downwards and fires different events depending on the material and texture color it finds
the textures of materials checked need to have Read/Write in their import settings checked, otherwise the checker can not read the color More...
class  HideCharacterInstruction
 hides the complete character, by default this deactivates the animators gameobject More...
class  HideSlotInstruction
 hides an item slot while it is active
it may not be possible to directly access the slot(for exemple when the action is located on an item)
for that reason this instruction uses the item category and an index in case there is more than one More...
interface  IAnimationPreview
interface  IAttributeModifier
 interface for any class the modifies attributes
this modification does not change the actual attribute value
it is applied when an attribute value is retrieved from the AttributePool for example equipment that provides an attribute bonus(strength ring, vitality pants) More...
interface  ICharacterAssociator
 implemented by any behaviour that is owned or otherwise directly associated with a character
allows other behaviours and visual scripting nodes to figure out in which characters context they are currently operating More...
interface  IDamageReceiver
 interface for any behaviour that receives damage from a IDamageSender
check TriggerDamageReceiver and TriggerDamageSender for a common implementation that can in turn be built upon More...
interface  IDamageSender
 interface for any behaviour that sends damage to a IDamageReceiver
check TriggerDamageReceiver and TriggerDamageSender for a common implementation that can in turn be built upon More...
interface  IDescriptionItem
 interface that provides description text for hints or tooltips More...
class  ImpactArea
 behaviour that provides keys for triggers so ImpactItem can trigger different events based on the hit object More...
class  ImpactItem
 behaviour that triggers an event when it receives trigger enter messages
which event is triggered can be keyed to an ImpactArea
used in the demos to display different sparks and sounds when weapons hit the environment More...
class  InputBindingLabel
class  InputBindingText
 visualizes the current binding of an input action(new input system) in a text component
refreshs itself when the control method is changed so control hints are seamlessly adjusted More...
class  InstantiatingItemSlot
 item slot for PrefabItem which instantiates the items prefab while it is equipped More...
class  InstantiatingItemSlotClone
 duplicates an InstantiatingItemSlot on a different parent and possibly with a different layer
used in the hero demo to instantiate gear on the model that is shown in the gear menu More...
class  IntervalSpawner
 simply spawns some prefab periodically More...
class  IntPersistenceTrigger
 provides unity events that are fired in relation to a persisted int More...
class  InventoryBase
 base class for inventories, inventories manages items and the slots they are equipped to
in addition to the simple unlimited ListedInventory a possible use cases could be a re4 style case where item stacks have a position and are limited More...
class  InventoryItem
 serializable utility class used in inventories to keep track of item quantity and the slot it is equipped to
manages some of the plumbing between item and slot
should only be created by an inventory, if you need to show items quantities in the inspector use ItemQuantity More...
class  InventoryItemElement
 visualizes an inventory item in the UI More...
class  InventoryItemPanel
 visualizes an InventoryItem in the ui, the item can be forwarded to an ItemPanel to be visualized there More...
class  InventoryText
 shows all items in the inventory in a text component, useful for debugging More...
interface  IPersister
 interface used to find any persisting behaviour in a scene
currently used only by the "Check Keys" and "Generate missing Keys" buttons on the PersistenceContainer More...
interface  IPlayAnimation
 used to identify objects that play PlayableAnimation
used for preview and in visual scripting More...
interface  IStatModifier
 interface for any class the modifies stats
it is applied when a stat value is retrieved from the AttributePool for example equipment that provides a stat bonus(defense from armor) More...
class  ItemBase
 base class for items, items are anything character can own some amount of
implementations can define whether they can be used, equipped or both and then implement some logic that happens in those cases
for example a health potion could be used and equipped, when it is equipped it shows up on the characters belt
and when it is used it starts a healing action or just directly adds health More...
class  ItemCategory
 category that may be used to group items in the ui More...
class  ItemChance
class  ItemNotification
 visualizes an item quantity that has been added or removed More...
class  ItemNotifications
 spawns an ItemNotification when something is added or removed from an inventory More...
class  ItemPanel
 visualizes an ItemBase in the ui More...
class  ItemPickupArea
 trigger area that adds items to the first character that enters and then destroys itself
useful for simple pickups like coins, health or mana pots More...
class  ItemQuantity
 serializable utility class that combines an item with a quantity, useful for configuring items in the inspector
for example items that are needed to do something(1xkey to open door) or items contained in a pickup More...
class  ItemQuantityText
 shows the quantity of a particular item in a UI text More...
class  ItemQuantityTextCapped
 shows the quantity of a particular item in a UI text and colors it when its capacity is reached More...
class  ItemsControlBase
 base class for selectable lists of items in ugui
creates and manages ui elements based on the contents of a list
similar in concept to uitoolkit listview or wpf itemscontrol More...
class  ItemsControlEntryBase
 base class for the entries of a ItemsControlBase<T> that are instantiated for every item
used to expose the data of the item to the ui(for example to visualize a single InventoryItem) More...
class  ItemSet
 some set of items, most commonly used as a set of all items that the persistence uses to load items More...
class  ItemSlot
 generic base class for item slots, slots are used to equip items
the protected equip(T) and unequip(T) are most important for equipment behaviour
for example a helmet item on an amor slot may instantiate some visual and add a modifier to the characters defense in equip, in unequip it would destroy the visual and remove the modifier
canEquip can be overridden to define whether a specific item can be equipped at the moment, applyVisibility is used when a slot is hidden(like weapons being hidden while pulling a lever) More...
class  ItemSlotBase
 non-generic base class for item slots, usually the generic ItemSlot<T> should be derived from this More...
class  ItemSlotCategory
 slot category that determines which slots an item can be equipped to More...
class  ItemSlotElement
 visualizes an item slot in the UI More...
class  ItemSlotPanel
 visualizes an ItemSlotBase in the ui, the equipped item can be forwarded to an AdventureCore.InventoryItemPanel to be visualized there More...
class  ItemSlotProxy
 special slot that redirects to one of a number of other slots
the actual slot currently being used can be rotated through using NextSlot and PreviousSlot
class  ListedInventory
 simple implementation of an unlimited inventory that simply stores everything in a list More...
class  ListedInventoryElement
 visualizes a listed inventory in a ui document More...
class  ListedInventoryEntryPanel
 implementation of ItemsControlEntryBase<T> for ListedInventoryPanel
instantiated for every inventory item that is shown in the inventor panel More...
class  ListedInventoryPanel
 visualizes the contents of a ListedInventory and can enable using or equipping the items More...
class  LockableCameraBase
 base class for camera controllers that can be locked to lock on points More...
class  LockableCameraController
 camera controller for players, provide input in OnInput(InputValue) or SetInput(Vector2)
rotates its own transform so it should be put on the pivot for a 3rd person style free look camera
can be locked to targets and smoothly transitionto another one with cinemachine virtual cameras, check the exact setup in the AdventureSouls demo More...
class  LockableCameraFreeLook
 camera controller for players, provide input in OnInput(InputValue) or SetInput(Vector2)
rotates its own transform so it should be put on the pivot for a 3rd person style free look camera
can be locked to targets and smoothly transitionto another one with cinemachine virtual cameras, check the exact setup in the AdventureSouls demo More...
class  LockOnCandidateChangedUnit
class  LockOnManager
 manages the lock on points within its area and decides which one is chosen or switched to
it choses the lock on point that is visible(raycast) and closest to the center of the screen horizontally
it can also unlock a locked in point after some delay when it becomes invisible More...
class  LockOnPoint
 point to be locked on by LockOnManager
inherit from this and override Show and Hide to react in some way(showing a some lock on visual in 3d space instead of some 2d overlay for example) More...
class  LockOnTargetChangedUnit
class  LockOnTargetChangedWithoutHoldingUnit
class  ManualMovement
 movement implementation for characters that handle movement themselfes or dont really need movement More...
class  ManualPersister
 persister that does nothing on its own, it is always used by some other behaviour
this helps to encapsulate persistence logic and mostly reduces the actual persistence in game logic
multiple behaviours can use the same persister by passing a subKey that will be added to the key of the persister
needed by all the core systems to save their data(attributes, inventory, ...)
class  MessageEvent
 serializable utility class that combines a message with an event
useful for defining actions for particular messages directly in the inspector
for example playing a sound or showing some particles when a weapon is swung More...
class  MinimalCharacterActor
 actor that only starts an action if there is no other or if the current one can end at the moment
if the action can not be started at the moment it is requested it will just tbe discarded
class  MotionAction
 a character action that represents a simple animation like jumping or rolling
when using TriggerName the animation has to send the START and END messages, RELEASE when Release is checked
CharacterAnimation can be used instead of triggering an animation on the characters animator, in this case START is not necessary and END is optional More...
class  MovableDamageReceiver
 damage receiver that applies an impulse force to a rigidbody when damaged More...
class  MovementBase
 base class for movements, movements determine how and where a character moves
these will be where player or enemy ai input is sent to move the character
this base mainly defines standardized ways for other systems like actions to interfere with movement
for example a common use is for actions to suspend the actual movement logic and the animator to send root motion movement
class  MovementBasePersisted
class  MovementMotionMultiplierInstruction
 mutliplies the movement root motion while it is active More...
class  MovementSpeedMultiplierInstruction
 mutliplies the movement speed while it is active More...
class  Mover
 moves the transforms position and/or rotation every frame
can be used to move projectiles forward or to rotate pickups without needing animations More...
class  MovingDamageSender
 special triggered damage sender that returns its current movement direction as its damage direction
useful for moving weapons that change direction and should apply damage in their current movement direction More...
class  MultipliedStat
 stat that increases the base value by a multiplied attribute value More...
class  NavApproachAction
 starts an approach on a NavMeshAgentMovement and waits for its completion
the target is the MovementBase.Target on the Movement More...
class  NavMeshAgentMovement
 a movement implementation that is built on top of the unity NavMeshAgent
meant for enemy movement, use StartApproach(Action, float) to walk to the MovementBase.Target
class  NavMeshTankMovement
 variation on nav mesh movement that uses root motion and manual rotation instead of letting the agent steer
the movement rotates itself until it points towards the target
to move forward the SpeedFactor value is set and root motion from the animator is applied More...
class  NavPatrolAction
 moves a NavMeshAgentMovement cyclically between the specified points
automatically saves its current index into the movements persister with subkey 'PAT' More...
class  ObjectAction
 one time action that lets a character interact with some object that is also animated plays an animation on the character and another one on an object when the character reaches a certain point
the animation needs to send a START and END message and an ACT message to start the object animation
an animation on a second object can also configured so it is is started when the character animation is ending
useful for doors or levers(the second end-object could be a gate that opens after the lever has been pulled) More...
class  OverlayElement
 makes a ui element automatically follow a transform More...
class  PauseGameInstruction
 sets timeScale to 0 while it is active More...
class  PersistedNumberText
 retrieves a number from persistence and visualizes it in a text component More...
class  PersistedStringText
 shows all items in the inventory in a text component, useful for debugging More...
class  PersistenceArea
 areas are used to group persistence keys that should be saved together
they are useful for splitting up smaller data that is saved more often(player position) from larger data that is saved less frequently(world state)
another use would be grouping together data so it can be deleted in one go like temporary scene data that gets removed when the player switches scenes More...
class  PersistenceContainer
 central singleton manager behaviour for anything related to persistence
needs to be added to a scene for any persistence to take place
any persister in a scene has to go through this container to retrieve or modify persistence data
the container is responsible for managing the current data and passing it on to the PersistenceSaver to actually be saved to disk More...
class  PersistenceData
 utility class used in persistence to hold the current data for one persistence area
performs de/serialization when data is retrieved or stored and keeps track of whether it has been changed More...
class  PersistenceSaverBase
 base class for behaviours that actually commit the persistence data to disk(or whatever else is used to save data these days)
this logic is seperated from the persistence container so it can easily be replaced by some custom save logic for cloud or some platform specific use case More...
class  PersistenceTrigger
 provides unity events that are fired in relation to a persisted value
for example to disable or enable a barrier when some persisted bool is set More...
class  PersisterBase
 base class for behaviours that are mainly used to persist some kind of state
any other class can easily just use the persistence container without using a persister
a persister is just a way of seperating persistence logic from other behaviour More...
class  PickupAction
 action that plays an animation and adds items to the characters inventory, destroys itself afterwards
the animation needs to send a START and END message!(Function:OnAnimation Parameter:START/END)
has built in persistence so it does not need an extra persister
if persistence states it has been used previously it fires its events and destroys itself on start More...
class  PlaceholderItem
 item that is replaced by another item when added to the inventory(bundles of arrows, higher currency denominations)
the actual replacement is handled by the inventory implementation More...
class  PlayableAnimation
 plays an animation clip or controller on an animator using a playable graph(like a timeline)
the original animation continues in the background and gets faded out and back in at the end

playing animations that are not part of a characters animator this way allows decoupling actions
for example when the animation for pulling a lever is configured in ObjectAction.CharacterAnimation
any arbitrary (humanoid)character can use that lever without having the animation in its controller More...
class  PlayableAnimationMessage
class  PlayableAnimationParameters
 parameters for PlayableAnimation that are used in behaviours and shown in the inspector More...
class  PlayableAnimationPlayer
 simple behaviour for playing a PlayableAnimation on a configurable animator
when no animator is set the player looks for an ICharacterAssociator in its parents More...
class  PlayableAnimationTypeAttribute
 can be used to limit the playable parameters to either clip OR controller More...
class  PlayerPrefSaver
 simple saver implementation that uses unitys player prefs
registry on windows, indexedDb in Web, ...
this should be enough for debugging, prototyping and very simple games
for larger games implementing a more permanent custom solution is advisable More...
class  PlaytimePersister
 persists and raises the playtime
loads previous playtime on awake and persists it whenever the container is saved
uses the scaled time so when Time.timeScale is set to 0 in menus the playtime does not increase More...
class  PoseAction
 a character action that represents a pose the character can go into and will only end once some input occurs
can be jumpstarted to go directly to the state of the pose without the animation into it More...
class  PrefabItem
 an item that defines a prefab which is instantiated when equipped in a InstantiatingItemSlot More...
class  ProjectileDamageSender
 special triggered damage sender that moves itself gets destroyed once it has done damage or hits the environment More...
class  QualityDropdown
 attaches to a dropdown, when the dropdown is changed it sets the QualityLevel accordingly and persists it
the contents of the dropdown have to be defined in the ui to fit the quality levels in the settings More...
class  RandomStatePersister
 persists the state of randomness
therefore the results are consistent between play sessions
for example loot will be the same if the game is saved and loaded More...
class  ResourceBarBase
 base class for a bar that visualizes a character resource
when the resource gets damaged it can show the damage value for a configurable duration
check out the ManualResource scene in the AdventureManual project for examples More...
class  ResourceBarElement
 overlay element that display a bar for some character resource
when the resource gets damaged it shows the damage value for a configurable duration
like all OverlayElements it needs a UIDocument that actually gets displayed
check out the ManualResource scene in the AdventureManual project for an example More...
class  ResourceBarManager
 singleton manager behaviour for resource bars(health bars for example)
bars can be manually shown until revoked(lock on) or just temporarily when damage is done More...
class  ResourceBarPanel
 visualizes a resource using canvas objects and legacy text elements check out the ManualResource scene in the AdventureManual project for an example More...
class  ResourceBarTMP
 visualizes a resource using canvas objects and TextMeshPro text elements check out the ManualResource scene in the AdventureManual project for an example More...
class  ResourceDamage
 damage that reduces some resource value(health), probably the most common kind of damage More...
class  ResourcePool
 manages the modification and observation of a characters resources
resources are behaviours of their own so they can update themselfes on a frame by frame basis
any resource of a character has be linked here so it can be easily accessed More...
class  ResourcePoolText
 shows all the resource values of a pool in a text component, useful for debugging More...
class  ResourceQuantity
 serializable utility class that combines a resource with a value
useful for configuring resource values in the inspector
for example health damage, stamina cost for moves, ... More...
class  ResourceType
 resources are floating point metrics that may change freqently or even frame by frame
the actual value of the resource and its logic is defined in the ResourceValue behaviour this scriptable object is only used to identify a kind of resource(health, stamina, ...)
class  ResourceValue
 basic resource value that does not change on its own
inherit from this class to implement resources with custom logic More...
class  ScriptableHelper
 helper class used in unity events in the inspector to call general functions
by drawing the ScriptableHelper in AdventureCore/Utilities into the target of an event the methods become available there More...
class  SerialCharacterActor
 base class for any actor that has one active action at a time More...
class  SlotText
 shows the currently equipped item of a slot More...
class  SphereDamageSender
 performs a sphere overlap and damages any IDamageReceiver on the colliders/rigidbodies it finds More...
class  StatEffect
 an effect that modifies a stat while it is active by adding to it More...
class  StateManager
 simple state manager that acts through unity events More...
class  StatMultiplierInstruction
 multiplies the stat of its character while it is active
for example a buff that increases attack by 50% More...
class  SuspendControlInstruction
 completely stops input from being processed More...
class  SuspendMovementCollisionInstruction
 suspends collision of the movement, usefull when an action moves a character somwhere that its usual collision would not allow
for example a gap in a wall or even a ladder that would collide with the movement collision More...
class  SuspendMovementControlInstruction
 suspends movement from processing controls but leaves movement otherwise running
for example when jumping the player may not be allowed to change direction More...
class  SuspendMovementInstruction
 suspends movement entirely, useful when an action takes over movement while it is active
for example attacks that have root motion More...
class  SuspendMovementPartsInstruction
 suspends movement translation and/or rotation
more fine grained version of SuspendMovementInstruction More...
class  SuspendMovementPersistenceInstruction
 pauses persistence of the movement, for example when standing on a moving platform or in a hazardous area More...
class  SuspendReceiveDamageInstruction
 incoming damage is discarded while this instruction is active
for example i-frames in a rolling or dodge animation More...
class  SuspendSendDamageInstruction
 no damage is sent while this instruction is active More...
class  TargetCharacterActor
 minimal actor that tries to perform whatever action is set as Target without forcing it
this is useful for debugging and visual scripting, you simply set the field without worrying about state More...
class  TieredStat
 stat that increases by some value for every point in an attribute
how much it increases at a particular value is defined in tiers
this can be used to implement diminishing or increasing returns
for example vitality could increase health by 10 for the first 5 points and then by some other value More...
class  TimedAction
 action that does nothing on its own and ends after a defined duration More...
class  TimelineAction
 action that plays a timeline and ends when it is finished More...
class  TimeoutEffect
 effect that terminates itself after a defined duration has run out More...
class  TriggerArea
 generic base class for trigger areas that are entered by trigger items
in unity gameobjects that are destroyed do not exit collision which can be annoying
by having scripts on both sides of the collision and registering with each other we can make sure to always get enter and exit
either implement a custom script that performs some logic with the participants(like lock on, damage)
or use the GenericTriggerArea to add logic to the events in the inspector(traps in AdventureSouls)
keep in mind this is meant for triggers not collisions, if you have problems getting the events check https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CollidersOverview.html More...
class  TriggerDamageReceiver
 damage receiver that gets damaged by TriggerDamageSender when unity trigger events occur (OnTriggerEnter/OnTriggerExit(2D)) More...
class  TriggerDamageSender
 damage sender that damages TriggerDamageReceiver when unity trigger events occur (OnTriggerEnter/OnTriggerExit(2D)) More...
class  TriggerItem
 counterpart to TriggerArea<TArea, TItem> More...
class  UIDebugger
 logs the currently focused ui toolkit element every frame More...
class  UsableItem
 item that can add attributes, stats and effects when used More...
class  VisualScriptingAction
 character action meant for actions mainly driven by a script machine exposes some additional events and properties to support that More...
class  VisualScriptingHelper
 helper behaviour that carries utility methods relevant to visual scripting More...


enum  MarchMode { Regular , Pace , Await }
enum  PlayableAnimationType { Any , Clip , Controller }
 used in PlayableAnimationTypeAttribute to limit the kind of playable animation to either clip OR controller
enum  DialogButtons {
  Ok , OkCancel , YesNo , YesNoCancel ,
enum  DialogInput {
  None , String , Integer , Float ,
enum  DialogResult {
  None = 0 , Ok = 1 , Yes = 2 , No = 3 ,
  Cancel = 4 , Option1 = 10 , Option2 = 11 , Option3 = 12 ,
  Option4 = 13 , Option5 = 14 , Option6 = 15 , Option7 = 16 ,
  Option8 = 17 , Option9 = 18