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AdventureSouls Namespace Reference


interface  ICritical
 interface for any character that can crit
checked when SoulsAttackAction.CanCritical is set and the attack receives input More...
interface  IGetCritted
 interface for any character that can get critted
carries some info about its state and position so the crit can check if it lines up to any of the critteds openings More...
interface  IGetGuardBroken
 interface for any character that can be guard broken by a parry
when a character with this interface damages another that is currently parrying it gets guard broken
this usually opens it up for a crit or at least puts it out of comission for a time More...
interface  IGetStaggered
 interface for characters that can get staggered, happens when the character hits into a guard action without breaking it More...
struct  SoulsAppearanceInfo
class  SoulsArmorItem
 item that is visualized with a mesh renderer and carries some stat bonuses
the logic that actually applies the bonuses and shows the mesh sits in SoulsArmorSlot
this is done because the slot has access to the character while the item carries no runtime data More...
class  SoulsArmorSlot
 slot for SoulsArmorItem, instantiates the armor mesh on the character and applies its bonuses More...
class  SoulsArrowItem
 item that holds the visual and projectile for arrows that are used in SoulsShootAction More...
class  SoulsArrowSlot
 slot for SoulsArrowItem More...
class  SoulsAttackAction
 action for basic melee attacks that may combo into additional hits
in addition to START/END there are messages to control whether the weapon damage shoud be active(DMG_ON/DMG_OFF)
the COMBO message should be sent when the animation is ready to transition into another attack
class  SoulsAttributeElement
class  SoulsBonfireAction
 plays the correspondig timelines when entering, sitting or leaving a bonfire
also responsible for aligning the character and camera as well as triggering the level up menu and the scene/character reset
changing state entering>active and exiting>ended happens automatically when the timeline ends
active>exiting is triggered when a cancel input(bool:false) is sent when the user presses B or the leave button
the characters animator is autoamtically assigned to missing bindings which lets us decouple bonfires from the player character More...
class  SoulsBossArea
 boss area that closes off the player when the fight starts, triggers its health bar and handles persistence
ends when the boss is destroyed which happens either when it is defeated or when the scene is unloaded because the player died
+ it suspends persistence during the fight so if the player quits out he starts back before the fight started
if the fight has been previously won it removes the boss on start More...
class  SoulsCharacterBase
 defines some common logic for the different charcters in the souls demo
this currently includes the guard, stagger, parry, guard break logic as well as the ragdoll More...
class  SoulsCommons
 singleton game manager class, this is where logic sits that pertains to the Game
holds the more widely used types so they dont have to be set in a bunch of places(health, defense, ...)
also reponsible for scene and save management More...
class  SoulsCriticalAction
 action that gets checked by attacks with SoulsAttackAction.CanCritical
can only start when the trigger of a character with IGetCritted is in its trigger area
it also checks if that angle is right for a front/back crit provided the critted character is open there
when it is actually started it forces the critted character into a SoulsCrittedAction in addition ot START/END a HIT message has to be sent to indicate to moment of impact More...
class  SoulsCrittedAction
 action started on a critted character by SoulsCriticalAction
moves the character to the appropriate position to be critted More...
class  SoulsDungeon
 scene logic for the dungeon level More...
class  SoulsEnemyCharacter
 basic enemy character which extends the basic NPC with a trigger area that aggroes to any character that enters it
class  SoulsEquipmentPanel
 souls menu panel that is displayed when the equipment button is clicked
manages all the different equipment slot elements More...
class  SoulsFriendCharacter
 basic friendly NPC that only aggroes if hit more than once and has a some action that player can interact with(talking, trading, ...)
the first time it is hit it will equip any weapon in its inventory and if it goes below half health it will try to heal More...
class  SoulsGuardAction
 action for holding up a weapon(typically a shield) that guards the character from damage
class  SoulsHideHUDInstruction
 instruction that hides the HUD while it is active(for cutscenes or sitting at the bonfire) More...
class  SoulsHideWeaponsInstruction
 instruction that hides the configured weapon slots when active(when opening doors, climbing ladders)
the generic HideSlotInstruction would have also worked but having both in one is more convenient More...
class  SoulsHUD
 manages the HUD of the souls demo(boss health, xp, context action text, ...)
(resource bars for player and enemy are self contained using core components and dont require management from here) More...
class  SoulsInput
class  SoulsInventoryPanel
 souls menu panel that is displayed when the "Inventory" button is clicked
shows all the items in the inventory, usable items can be used directly More...
class  SoulsItemElement
class  SoulsItemSelector
 manages a ui element that lets users select an item from the inventory, used to select items for equipment slots More...
class  SoulsLadderAction
 action for climbing ladders with configurable segment count
ENTER/EXIT messages are used to get on or off, the PASS message indicates that a segment has been successfully de-/ascended More...
class  SoulsLadderEnterAction
 proxy action for SoulsLadderAction
needed so the ladder action knows if the character is at the start or end
class  SoulsLevelUp
 logic for the level up dialog that is displayed when resting at a bonfire
lets players exchange experience for attribute increases More...
class  SoulsLoading
 manages the loading scene used when loading souls levels
can display cuscenes or simply wait for loading
when configured progress is displayed in a bar and it waits for confirmation from the player More...
class  SoulsMenu
 manages the souls menu and coordinates the different menu panels(inventory, equipment, system) More...
class  SoulsMenuPanel
 base class for the panels that can be opened in the menu using the buttons in the top right in souls
provides basic functionality like showing and hiding the panel More...
class  SoulsMorningstar
 a simple boss enemy with a stomp for longer distances, a spin for when the player is behind it and a smash More...
class  SoulsNewGameDialog
 logic for the new game dialog which lets players customize their character before starting the game More...
class  SoulsNonPlayerCharacter
 common base for simple NPC characters that can be idle or attacking
by default it starts attacking when hit and will attack until it runs out of stamina, recover and repeat More...
class  SoulsParryAction
 an action that can guard break another character if it deals damage to it between PARRY_ON and PARRY_OFF
starting the actual guardBreak is done in CharacterBase.PreDamageReceive(IDamageSender, IDamageReceiver) More...
class  SoulsPickupAction
class  SoulsPlayerCharacter
 ties together all the logic directly associated with the player More...
class  SoulsRecoverAction
 action for enemies that plays an animation while it refills a resource and ends when it is fully replenished
class  SoulsRecoveryAction
 similar to a pickup but instead of an item it gives the player the xp that was dropped on the last death More...
class  SoulsSaveElement
struct  SoulsSaveInfo
 info that is persisted for every save slot and displayed in the main menu More...
class  SoulsShootAction
 action for firing projectiles from a bow weapon that is drawn
uses SoulsArrowItem for the visual that is displayed during draw
when it is fired the arrows projectile is created and one arrow is removed from inventory More...
class  SoulsSlotElement
class  SoulsStamina
 special kind of refilling resource
empties when the movement is sprinting
stops refilling when the character is acting More...
class  SoulsSuspendActingInstruction
 disables all Act inputs while active More...
class  SoulsSystemPanel
 logic for the system panel in souls, this is the panel that opens when the menu is opened and System is clicked at the top right More...
class  SoulsTalkAction
class  SoulsTeleportAction
class  SoulsTitle
 general logic for the title screen in souls
lets players quit and initializes the save slots
creating new games or loading existing ones is handled in the slots More...
class  SoulsTradeAction
class  SoulsTrading
 logic for ui element that is displayed when trading with an npc
lists available items and lets player exchange experience More...
class  SoulsTwoHandAction
 action that toggles a weapons two handedness and ends immediately
for example bows can't do anything onehanded so this action is put into the attacks instead More...
class  SoulsUsableAction
 action for usable items
the POCKET message is used to indicate the character reaching into its pocket before and after using the item
ACT is used to indicate the character actually using the item and for its effects to occur More...
class  SoulsUsableItem
 item that has an action which may use the item
using the item will then add some resources to the character More...
class  SoulsUsableSlot
 instantiates the action/visual of the item equipped to it and binds input to its activation More...
class  SoulsUsableSlots
 special item slot proxy that rebinds input to the current usable slot when the slots behind the proxy are rotated through More...
class  SoulsWeapon
 the weapon behaviour carries attack actions for either hand as well as its base damage
its prefab is configured on the SoulsWeaponItem and it gets instantiated by the SoulsWeaponSlot on equip
that base damage can be modified by the attacks and by stat bonuses More...
class  SoulsWeaponItem
 the weapon item carries the SoulsWeapons prefab which actually holds all the action and damage information More...
class  SoulsWeaponSlot
 instantiates the SoulsWeapon and binds inputs to the appropriate actions More...