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AdventureSouls.SoulsCommons Class Reference

Detailed Description

singleton game manager class, this is where logic sits that pertains to the Game
holds the more widely used types so they dont have to be set in a bunch of places(health, defense, ...)
also reponsible for scene and save management


Inheritance diagram for AdventureSouls.SoulsCommons:

Public Member Functions

void ToggleMenu ()
void ShowMenu ()
void HideMenu ()
void ShowLevelUp (CharacterBase character)
void HideLevelUp ()
void ShowTrade (CharacterBase character, SoulsTradeAction tradeAction)
void HideTrade ()
AttributeStat GetDefense (DamageKind damage)
SoulsSaveInfo GetSaveInfo (int? index=null)
void SetSaveInfo (SoulsSaveInfo info, int? index=null)
void CreateSave (int index, string name, SoulsAppearanceInfo appearance)
void DeleteSave (int index)
void LoadSave (int index)
void LoadTitle ()
void MoveInScene (string targetName)
void LoadScene (string sceneName, string loadingSceneName="SoulsLoading", string targetTransformName=null)
void SwitchScene (string sceneName)
void ResetTemp ()
void Quit ()

Public Attributes

SoulsPlayerCharacter PlayerCharacter
AudioMixer AudioMixer
Behaviour FreeCamera
SoulsMenu Menu
SoulsLevelUp LevelUp
SoulsTrading Trade
SoulsMessageBox MessageBox
PickupAction LootPrefab
ResourceType Health
ResourceType Stamina
ResourceType Poise
AttributeType Level
AttributeType Flasks
AttributeType Experience
AttributeType Vitality
AttributeType Endurance
AttributeType Strength
AttributeStat PhysicalAttack
AttributeStat PhysicalDefense
DamageKind PhysicalDamage
DamageKind PoiseDamage
PersistenceArea[] PlayerPersistence
PersistenceArea SystemPersistence
PersistenceArea TemporaryPersistence
ItemBase Flask

Static Public Attributes

static SoulsCommons Instance
static int CurrentSaveIndex = -1


int Quality [get, set]
float SFXVolume [get, set]
SoulsSaveInfo CurrentSaveInfo [get]
bool IsMenuActive [get]
bool IsMessageActive [get]