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AdventureSouls.SoulsWeapon Class Reference

Detailed Description

the weapon behaviour carries attack actions for either hand as well as its base damage
its prefab is configured on the SoulsWeaponItem and it gets instantiated by the SoulsWeaponSlot on equip
that base damage can be modified by the attacks and by stat bonuses


Inheritance diagram for AdventureSouls.SoulsWeapon:


class  DamageBonus

Public Types

enum  WeaponStance { None = 0 , TwoHand = 10 , Bow = 20 }

Public Member Functions

void Activate (SoulsWeaponSlot slot)
void Deactivate ()
void ActivateDamage (CharacterBase character, float modifier)
void DeactivateDamage ()
virtual void ToggleTwoHanded ()
DamageParameter ModifyDamage (CharacterBase character, DamageParameter damageParameter, float modifier)

Public Attributes

WeaponStance TwoHandStance
CharacterActionBase RightLight
CharacterActionBase RightHeavy
CharacterActionBase LeftLight
CharacterActionBase LeftHeavy
CharacterActionBase RightLightTwoHanded
CharacterActionBase RightHeavyTwoHanded
CharacterActionBase LeftLightTwoHanded
CharacterActionBase LeftHeavyTwoHanded
DamageParameter[] BaseDamages
TriggerDamageSender DamageSender
DamageBonus[] DamageBonuses

Static Public Attributes

static int STANCE_HASH = Animator.StringToHash("Stance")


bool IsTwoHanded [get, set]
SoulsWeaponSlot Slot [get, protected set]