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AdventureCore.Timeline.TextBoxBase Class Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

base class for text boxes that can be used to show texts as part of a timeline


Inheritance diagram for AdventureCore.Timeline.TextBoxBase:
AdventureCore.Timeline.TextBoxElement AdventureCore.Timeline.TextBoxTMP AdventureCore.Timeline.TextBoxUI

Public Member Functions

void SetFallbackText (string title, string content)
void SetProgress (float value)
void SetOpacity (float value)
void WaitForConfirmation ()
void OnConfirm (InputAction.CallbackContext callbackContext)
void Confirm ()
void Confirm (string clipName)
void OnAdvance (InputAction.CallbackContext callbackContext)
void Advance ()

Public Attributes

UnityEvent< string > Starting
UnityEvent< string > Awaiting
UnityEvent< string > Ending

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Awake ()
virtual void Start ()
virtual void initialize ()
virtual void onStarting (TextBoxBehaviour behaviour)
virtual void onAwaiting (TextBoxBehaviour behaviour)
virtual void onEnding (TextBoxBehaviour behaviour)


TextBoxBehaviour CurrentBehaviour [get, set]
bool IsWorking [get]
bool IsAwaitingConfirmation [get]
string CurrentClipName [get]
string Title [get, set]
string Content [get, set]
float Opacity [get, set]
bool IsConfirmationVisible [get, set]