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AdventureCore.Timeline Namespace Reference


class  DialogBehaviour
class  DialogClip
 timeline track that shows text in a dialog, can be configured to require confirmation More...
class  DialogHideBehaviour
class  DialogHideClip
 timeline clip that fades out a dialog More...
class  DialogShowBehaviour
class  DialogShowClip
 timeline clip that fades in a dialog More...
class  DialogTrack
 timeline track for displaying a dialog in the ui using s DialogBase More...
class  InstructionBehaviour
class  InstructionClip
 timeline clip that adds instructions to a character(suspending movement or example) More...
class  InstructionTrack
 timeline track that adds instructions to a character(suspending movement or example) More...
class  MarchClip
 timeline clip for marching characters(making them walk somewhere using their movement and animations) More...
class  MarchTrack
 timeline track for marching characters(making them walk somewhere using their movement and animations) More...
class  StateBehaviour
class  StateClip
 timeline clip that sets a state on a StateManager More...
class  StateOverrideBehaviour
class  StateOverrideClip
 timeline clip that sets an override state on a StateManager More...
class  StateTrack
 track timeline component for clips that change StateManagers More...
class  TweenBehaviour
class  TweenClip
class  TweenMixerBehaviour
class  TweenTrack
class  WalkBehaviour